The WellBE project unites the efforts of 4 adult education providers – BEST from Austria ( , NMCT from Belgium (, Your Ideas Matter from Bulgaria ( and Koučing Centar from Serbia ( 

Main goal of the project is the development and pilot of an an online training program targeting adult trainers and educators, equipping them with coaching competences and tools to be embedded in their daily work with adult learners. One of the main outcomes of this project will be the improvement of competences of adult trainers to provide quality and inclusive adult learning in blended learning environments. 

The WellBE Training program honors the core ICF standards, embedding also coaching psychology, systems thinking and leadership, as well as implementing the best of the didactic approach using know-how in developing innovative training program for social integration, empowerment, self-reflection and motivation, parameters directly linked to the outcomes expected from the coaching process too.  

The project WellBE is co-funded by the Erasmus + Program of the EU, AGREEMENT NUMBER – 22PCA0001 / 2022-1-BE01-KA220-ADU-000085019 with Agence francophone pour l’éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie (AEF-Europe), Belgium

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